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规划遗产视角下“新北京”城市空间结构的形成与价值 (1949—1965)
许 皓1, 李百浩2
1.扬州大学建筑科学与工程学院,讲师;2.( 通讯作者):东南大学建筑学院,教授, libaihaowh@sina.com
中华人民共和国定都北京后,如何实现 “封建帝都”“消费城市”向“社会主义首都” 的转换是新生政权需要面对的重要问题。为此, 北京经历了一场规模宏大而内涵深刻的城市改 建,形成了新的城市空间结构。规划遗产是遗 产保护领域涌现的新议题,其核心是对建成空 间蕴含的规划价值的认同。作为社会主义现代 性作用于城市空间的结果,天安门广场、南北中 轴线、东西长安街、街坊式住区、城市公园等空 间结构要素蕴含着独特的规划智慧,是一种典 型的规划遗产。文章基于规划遗产的视角,追溯 “新北京”城市空间结构的形成过程,还原空间 建构历史中的真实性和整体性,在此基础上发 掘规划遗产价值。研究有助于从结构关联的维 度,加深对现代北京城市遗产内涵的理解和认 识,同时构建了一套分析规划遗产要素形成过 程及价值认知的方法,以显示规划作为一种遗 产的意义。
关键词:  规划遗产  城市规划史  都城规划  城 市空间结构  社会主义城市  苏联专家
The formation and value of the “New Beijing” urban spatial structure from the perspectiveof planning heritage (1949-1965)
XU Hao,LI Baihao
Political system changes often bring new urban theories and planning ideas, forming new ways of spatial organization. After the establishment of Beijing as the capital of the People’s Republic of China, how to achieve the transformation from “feudal imperial capital” and “consumer city” to a “socialist capital” is an important issue that the new regime needs to face. As a result, Beijing underwent a large-scale and profound urban reconstruction movement, forming a new urban spatial structure on the basis of Ming Qing Beijing and early-modern Beiping. Recent years, research on spatial cultural heritage from a holistic and interconnected perspective has gradually received attention. Faced with the large-scale urban heritage environment, heritage conservation experts have begun to attach importance to the planning and design value of heritage. However, the visibility of planning in the existing heritage system is still insufficient, and the value of planning has not been systematically discussed. Western planning theorists expand the connotation of built heritage to planning heritage by analyzing its planning characteristics and unique position in planning history. On the basis of existing value recognition, they explore and emphasize the distinctive planning value. In China, the concept of planning heritage first appeared at the Urban Planning History and Theory Annual Conference held in Lanzhou in September 2019. The conference is open for submissions under the theme of “Historical Thinking and Planning Heritage”. The attending experts believe that introducing the concept of planning heritage can help expand the path and perspective of research on built heritage. The first question to be answered in conducting research on planning heritage: what conditions must be met in order to be recognized as planning heritage? Based on current research, this article believes that planning heritage should possess the following three characteristics simultaneously: reflecting planning wisdom, being put into planning practice, and forming built-up space. The reason why the urban spatial structure of "New Beijing" can become a typical planning heritage can also be explained based on this: firstly, in terms of planning wisdom, the socialist planning method was formed in the early stage of New China with reference to the Soviet experience, which is significantly different from ancient and early-modern times. Secondly, putting it into practice is an important criterion for assessing heritage planning. In the 1950s, Soviet planning experts proposed a series of urban renovation plans that included overall layout, key areas, blocks, and other levels. Thirdly, planning heritage requires leaving spatial imprints and forming tangible material spatial carriers. After 1949, socialist urban planning applied to cities, and the new Beijing underwent significant changes in structure, pattern, texture, and style. The urban spatial structure of “New Beijing” is a typical planning heritage. Unfortunately, such heritage has long been hidden in urban spaces and obscured by architects’ architectural heritage works. The “20th Century Architectural Heritage” list released by the Chinese Society of Cultural Relics and the Chinese Architectural Society includes multiple construction achievements of Beijing in the 1950s and 1960s. However, its heritage recognition revolves around individual buildings and does not cover urban scale heritage elements such as grids, axes, and public spaces.Based on the perspective of planning heritage, this article traces the formation process of urban spatial structural elements such as Tiananmen Square, the northsouth central axis, the east-west Chang’an Avenue, Jiefang style residential areas, and urban parks in the “New Beijing”, restoring the authenticity and integrity of spatial construction history. On this basis, the value of planning heritage is excavated from historical, scientific, aesthetic, social and other aspects, and it is believed that the urban spatial structure of “New Beijing” witnesses the process of Beijing’s transformation into a “socialist capital”. It reflected the diverse influence mechanism of planning decisions, formed a distinctive spatial pattern and order, and carried the early social life and collective memory of the People’s Republic of China. Planning heritage is a new topic emerging in the field of heritage protection in China, and relevant researches have made certain progress in conceptual definition and theoretical exploration. This article is an empirical study based on the planning history, focusing on the planning wisdom in the constructing process, from the perspective of planning heritage, it explains the value of the urban spatial structure of “New Beijing”. This case study shows that introducing the perspective of planning heritage to analyze the urban spatial structure of “New Beijing” can help further enrich the understanding and cognition of the connotation of heritage from a holistic and interrelated perspective. The planning heritage analysis method that integrates the characteristics of the planning discipline can further enrich and supplement the existing cultural heritage system from the perspective of spatial relationships such as structure, pattern, and axis. In addition, this article constructs a method for analyzing the formation process and value cognition of heritage elements in planning, in order to demonstrate the significance of planning as a form of heritage.
Key words:  planning heritage  planning history  capital planning  socialist city, urban spatial structure  Soviet experts