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基于城市更新动力类型评价的更新模式研究 ——以丹江口市老城区为例
贾艳飞1, 张智奇2, 任 帅3, 周梦笛4
1.华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授;2.:华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士 研究生;3.中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司,高级 规划师;4.(通讯作者):比亚迪汽车有限公司,工程 师,3111818080@qq.com
随着中国城镇化率超过60%,城市发 展开始由过去大规模的增量建设向存量提质改 造和增量结构优化并重转变,城市更新在这个 过程中发挥着重要作用。城市更新从一种技术手 段,向综合的政策转变。在当前实践中,城市更 新的模式选择仍缺乏一定的客观性,呈现粗放 化的态势。通过对城市更新动力的分解,发现更 新模式的选择与主导力量之间存在直接关联。 本文以研究区域内地块所受的主要动力作为更 新类型的评判标准,构建评价指标体系。以丹江 口市老城区为例开展实证研究,依据评价结果 对更新单元进行类型划分,并根据不同的类型提 出针对性的更新模式选择建议。研究表明,基 于动力差异评价得到的单元更新类型,是客观选择更新模式的重要依据,对城市更新的精细化发展、促进更新规划的科学实施具有重要意义。
关键词:  城市更新  动力机制  更新类型  丹江口市
基金项目:湖北省高等学校哲学社会科学研究重大项目(21Z D004)
A study on the urban regeneration models based on the analysis of the moving forcestypes: Taking the old urban area of Danjiangkou City as an example
JIA Yanfei,ZHANG Zhiqi,REN Shuai,ZHOU Mengdi
With China’s urbanization rate exceeding 60%, urban development has begun to shift from large-scale incremental construction in the past to a simultaneous focus on quality improvement and renovation of stock and optimization of incremental structure. Urban renewal is an important means of solving urban problems and promoting healthy and sustainable urban development, and is a strategic hand for promoting high-quality urban development. By combing through the literature on the relevant aspects of urban renewal, it can be found that although there have been more studies on the transformation of urban renewal mode and the rational choice of renewal mode. However, in the current practice, the choice of urban renewal model still lacks a certain degree of objectivity, mostly focusing on economic interests, and lacks a comprehensive consideration of how to balance the interests of all parties and realize multi-dimensional goals. Due to the lack of in-depth analysis of the motivation for regeneration and objective basis for the selection of regeneration mode, the efficiency of regeneration work is low, and the process of regeneration loses sight of the other side and contradictions occur frequently. Therefore, analyzing the main drivers of urban renewal, proposing the selection of renewal modes, and improving the objectivity of the selection of renewal modes are important issues that need to be resolved urgently in urban renewal. Through organizing and analyzing the studies on the drivers of urban renewal, it is found that urban renewal is mainly driven by three forces: public force, government force and market force. At the macro-level, these three forces often act on the land parcels in a dynamic way of superposition, penetration, interaction and balance to promote the renewal; at the meso-level, although each land parcel in the city is subjected to the three forces at the same time, there exists a clear difference, and the one with the greatest intensity is the dominant force of the land parcel; and at the micro-level, the superimposition of the influencing factors influences the strong and weak renewal motivation of the land parcels. The micro level, the superposition of the effects between the influencing factors thus affects the strength of the regeneration dynamics of the plot. There is a direct correlation between the choice of renewal mode and the dominant force. Therefore, analyzing the dominant forces of urban renewal is the basis for model selection. Through research, it is found that the type of dominant force in urban renewal is influenced by a variety of factors. This paper establishes an evaluation system that takes the dominant force as the type of regeneration, and constructs a three-level evaluation index system of target level, criterion level and factor level. In order to ensure the scientificity of the evaluation system, the factors affecting the power of urban renewal are analyzed layer by layer from the three levels of public power, market power and government power, taking into account the index system of the 2022 urban health checkup assessment in the selection of evaluation index factors. After several rounds of screening, a total of eight factors are selected from the dimensions of architectural space, environmental greening and public space to evaluate the public power; five factors are selected from the dimensions of regeneration income and regeneration cost to evaluate the market power; and four factors are selected from the dimensions of planning matching degree and public welfare degree to evaluate the government power. The Delphi method and hierarchical analysis method are used to calculate the weights of the evaluation factors and construct the evaluation index system. On this basis, this study takes the old urban area of Danjiangkou City as an example to carry out empirical research, and divides the renewal units into 430 units according to the evaluation results. Taking these 430 units as objects, the study area’s land use nature, building functions, relevant planning and development requirements and other factors are comprehensively analyzed, and 387 renewal units are finally identified. Based on the established evaluation index system, the 387 renewal units were evaluated in terms of power types. The results show that there are 18 public force-driven units, 70 market forcedriven units, 125 government force-driven units, and 174 balanced power units. Based on the evaluation results, recommendations for the selection of renewal modes are proposed for the different types of units. The study shows that the regeneration types of units based on the evaluation of power differences are an important basis for the objective selection of regeneration modes, which is of great significance for the refinement of urban regeneration and the promotion of the scientific implementation of regeneration planning.
Key words:  urban renewal  motivational mechanism  update type  Danjiangkou City