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任 洁1, 赵一舟2, 杨静黎3, 毕思琦3
1.四川美术学院建筑与环境艺术学院,讲师;2.( 通讯作者):四川美术学院建筑与环境艺 术学院,副教授,zhaoyz19@scfai.edu.cn;3.四川美术学院建筑与环境艺术学院,硕 士研究生
巴渝场镇民居在应对地域气候和山地 环境时,既体现出地域气候策略共性,又体现 出显著的气候策略特性。深入挖掘传统民居气 候适应性营建模式,探讨其转化为现代设计方 法和适宜技术的应用潜力,是促进当代地域绿 色建筑体系健全发展的重要方面。本文以重庆 典型山地场镇聚落与民居为研究案例,聚焦典 型空间原型,基于Climate Consultant分析得出 的通用气候策略及设计参考措施,提炼其在通 用气候策略下采取的被动式基础措施与应变措 施,进而总结巴渝山地场镇气候适应性策略特 征。研究表明:巴渝山地场镇空间原型在自然通 风、综合遮阳、天然采光、防潮除湿等方面均有 积极的应答措施,且在自然通风、综合遮阳等 应对夏季湿热气候的具体措施比设计参考措施 更为丰富,并呈现出注重山地微气候、竖向组织及多样性应变的策略特征,展现了传统建筑以地域气候条件为基础,以空间原型为核心,以环境 调节性能为导向的气候应答智慧,为山地人居环境绿色发展提供了本土化适宜设计参照。 关键词:巴渝场镇;民居;空间原型;气候适应性;营建策略
关键词:  巴渝场镇  民居  空间原型  气候适应性  营建策略
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(52008276); 重庆市教委科学技术研究计划重大项目(KJZDM202101001); 重庆市教委科学技术研究计划青年 项目(KJQN202001004)
Study on the climate responsive strategies of Bayu vernacular architectural prototypes
REN Jie,ZHAO Yizhou,YANG Jingli,BI Siqi
Vernacular a rchitecture i n B ayu t raditional t owns h as e mbodied c ommon c limate responsive strategies, as well as unique climate responsive strategies with the mountainous terrain and regional microclimate. In order to promote the sound development of contemporary regional green architecture system, it is crucial to deeply explore the traditional vernacular architecture climate responsive strategies, and explore the ways to transform them into modern design methods and appropriate technologies. In this paper, we take Chongqing’s typical mountain towns and vernacular architecture as a case study, focus on the special prototypes, based on the general climate strategies and design reference measures derived from the Climate Consultant analysis, and refine the passive basic measures and contingency measures adopted under the general climate strategies to summarize the characteristics of the climate responsive strategies of the mountain towns in Bayu. The macroclimate of Chongqing is characterized by hot summers and cold winters, which is bipolar and contradictory, while the microclimate of the mountainous area forms a three-dimensional wind field environment with diurnal cycles due to the valley winds and surface winds. The spatial prototypes of Bayu traditional towns’ vernacular architecture, including settlement space, architectural prototypes and interface prototypes, comprehensively reflect the response to the mountainous regional climate through basic prototypes, prototype combinations, topological changes and strain measures. The spatial prototypes of Bayu traditional towns are reflected in the three levels of settlement space, architectural prototypes and interface prototypes. The special prototype of settlement space is mainly manifested in the ribbon layout, long and narrow main streets and staggered cold alleys, which are conducive to natural ventilation and microclimate regulation. The architectural special prototypes show the adaptation to the terrain and the diversified use of space through the forms of patio space, shaft space, hanging space, sloping roof height space and terrace courtyard. The interface prototype enhances the climate responsive strategies of the building through the light and thin upper and heavy lower envelope structure and multiple opening elements. The climate responsive strategies of Bayu traditional towns’ vernacular architecture mainly include four aspects: natural ventilation, integrated shading, natural lighting, and moisture and dehumidification. In terms of natural ventilation, Bayu traditional towns residences have adopted measures such as a ribbon layout that welcomes and accommodates the dominant wind direction, narrow streets and alleys, staggered cold alleys, as well as the design of internal spaces such as patios, inner corridors, and stairwells, to promote air circulation. The comprehensive shading strategy includes environmental shading, mutual shading of buildings, external shading of fa?ades and internal shading of main windows and doors, effectively reducing the indoor temperature in summer. The natural lighting strategy increases indoor light through the use of hill elevations, cold alleys, roof air vents and bright tiles. The moisture prevention and dehumidification strategies prevent condensation and moisture return through natural ventilation and porous enclosure to adapt to the perennial high humidity environment in Chongqing. The results of this study show that the core of climate responsive architecture in Bayutraditional towns lies in the establishment of a correlation between regional microclimate, climate strategies, response measures, and regulatory effects. These traditional buildings not only show the design wisdom of using mountain microclimate, vertical space organization and diversified adaptation, but also embody the wisdom of climate response based on regional climate conditions, special prototypes as the core, and oriented to the environmental regulation performance. The Bayu traditional towns special prototype and its strain measures have a high compliance rate of up to 80% with the 20 design references provided by Climate Consultant, and the compliance rate of 13 passive measures is nearly 100%. The climate responsive strategies of the Bayu traditional towns embody the close integration of traditional architectural wisdom and regional climate conditions. These strategies not only provide valuable experience and inspiration for modern architectural design, but also provide localized appropriate design references for the green development of mountainous habitats. By deeply exploring and applying the climate responsive strategies of traditional vernacular architecture, the green performance and living comfort of architecture can be enhanced, which is of great significance in promoting the sustainable development of the construction industry.
Key words:  Bayu traditional towns  vernacular architecture  special prototype  climate responsive strategies  construction strategy