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空间联系视角下大城市产业新区产城融合水平测度 ——以武汉为例
彭雨晴1, 祝芸依2, 贺 慧3, 郭诗怡4, 张 森5
1.华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,博 士研究生;2.湖北省规划设计研究总院有限责任公 司,设计主创;3.华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授;4.( 通讯作者):武汉大学城市设计学院, 湖北省人居环境工程技术研究中心,副 研究员,shiyiguo@whu.edu.cn;5.武汉市规划研究院(武汉市交通发展战 略研究院),助理规划师
功能单一和破碎化的城市新区开发模 式引发了过度通勤和交通拥堵等问题,使产城 融合成为新区发展的重要目标。以武汉市为例, 利用手机信令数据识别产业新区居民通勤和非 通勤出行特征,从空间联系视角测度其产城融 合水平,总结其产城融合模式与特征,结果显 示:产城均衡型新区的职住功能匹配程度好,出 行距离较短;产城错位型新区虽职住功能相对 均衡,但就业与居住存在空间错位,从而导致出行距离偏长;单一功能主导型新区职住功能匹配程度低、出行距离较长。进一步提取核心建成环 境指标要素与产城融合评价因子进行关联性分析,发现产业新区公共设施配套与公交站点配置 对通勤距离、通勤出行强度等具有更加显著的影响。基于不同产城发展模式特征,从用地均衡、 公服设施配套和交通设施布局等角度提出差异化的产城融合优化策略。
关键词:  产业新区  产城融合  空间联系  日常出行
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52178039,52208083);中 国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2023M742694); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(YCJJ 20242212)
Measuring the level of city-industry integration in new industrial zones of large cities fromthe perspective of spatial connection: Taking Wuhan as an example
PENG Yuqing,ZHU Yunyi,HE Hui,GUO Shiyi,ZHANG Sen
The single-function and fragmented development mode of new urban areas has given rise to issues of excessive commuting and traffic congestion, underscoring the significance of achieving city-industry integration. Although there has been extensive research on the conceptual framework and measurement system of city-industrial integration, a unified and scientifically quantifiable system of indicators for city-industrial integration has not yet been established. At the regional level, the focus of measurement lies in the allocation patterns of production, living, and ecological elements. Commonly selected indicators include population size, economic development, and the number of facilities, which are expressed using data obtained from national or city statistical yearbooks to represent scale, economic, and industrial factors. At the urban level, measurement indicators mainly encompass the degree of land-use functional mix, the completeness of public service facilities, the level of transportation development, and the state of ecological health. Some studies also conduct specialized analyses on land-use structure and transportation facilities. With the widespread application of mobile information big data, research on city-industrial integration has been further refined and enriched. Taking Wuhan as a case study, it employed mobile phone signaling data to discern the commuting and leisure travel patterns of residents within new industrial zones. Through quantifying the level of industry-city integration through spatial linkage analysis, it summarized the models and characteristics of city-industry integration, obtaining the following results: The overall proportion of non-local employees is relatively high in the new industrial zones of Wuhan city, leading to a lower level of mixed residential and employment functions. In balanced city-industrial new areas, the alignment of residential and employment functions is good, leading to shorter commuting distances. In misaligned city-industrial new areas, although employment and residential functions are relatively balanced, a mismatch between working space and residential areas still exists, which results in longer commuting distances. In single-function dominant new industrial zones, the alignment of residential and employment functions is low, leading to longer commuting distances. Furthermore, it conducted a correlation analysis between built environment indicators and factors influencing urban-industrial integration, which reveals that the provision of public facilities and the configuration of public transportation stations significantly impact commuting distances and commuting intensity in new industrial zones. Based on commuting intensity and spatial distribution characteristics, the new industrial zonescan be categorized into three types: balanced urban-industrial model, misaligned city-industrial model, and single-function dominant model. Balanced City-Industrial Model: This model is characterized by a relatively stable proportion of non-local employees, leading to a better alignment of residential and employment functions. Residents in this model experience shorter commuting times, fostering a more sustainable and pleasant living environment. In this model, commuting directions, flow, and distances are relatively stable, the optimization focus should be on reducing both commuting time and non-commuting travel distances. It recommends further enhancing the layout of public service facilities in the area and expanding the coverage of conventional bus networks while also developing fast transit options (such as rail-based systems) along major commuting corridors, thus shortening travel time for residents. Misaligned City-Industrial Model: In this model, the proportion of non-local employees is still substantial, but the match between jobs and residences is not ideal, leading to longer commuting times and distances. While the employment and residential functions are relatively balanced, there is a spatial mismatch between them, resulting in increased transportation challenges for the residents. To address this, it is essential to gradually improve the balance between employment and residential densities. This can be accomplished by promoting a more balanced mix of employment and residential densities, enhancing the provision of public service facilities, and gradually increasing the proportion of commuting and non-commuting activities within the new industrial zones. Additionally, strengthening fast transit options (like rapid buses or rail lines) along main commuting corridors and expanding the coverage of conventional bus networks can contribute to a higher percentage of green commuting and mitigate potential commuting congestion. Single-Function Dominant Model: This model faces the challenge of a significant proportion of non-local employees and a lower level of mixed landuse development. As a consequence, commuting intensity, travel distances, and time are suboptimal. To transition towards a more balanced city-industrial integration, there should be a concerted effort to encourage diversified land-use planning, promote the integration of residential and employment functions, and prioritize the development of public service facilities. Enhancing transportation links to major commuting areas, particularly by implementing fast public transit options, will be crucial in reducing commuting time and enhancing overall city-industrial integration. This research primarily focuses on studying the level of city-industrial integration in Wuhan’s new industrial zones from the perspective of residents’ travel behaviors. By gaining a deeper understanding of these distinct city-industrial integration models and formulating targeted optimization strategies for each, the new industrial zones in Wuhan can foster sustainable growth, promote a higher quality of life for residents, and contribute to the overall development of the city.
Key words:  new industrial zones  city-industry integration  space connection  daily travel