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陈 春1, 梁 行2
1.(通讯作者):重庆交通大学生态人居与 绿色交通研究中心,自然资源部国土空 间规划监测评估预警重点实验室,教授, chenchun@pku.edu.cn;2.重庆交通大学交通运输学院,硕士研究生
伴随着中国的快速城镇化,城市建设用 地向外蔓延,住宅房地产开发也不断向外拓展, 而城市中心依然承担了大量就业岗位,居住与就 业分离的现象越来越严重。对比分析不同时段 城市职住关系变化,对把握城市发展趋势和治理 交通拥堵具有重要意义,但现有关于职住关系的 研究缺乏动态变化分析。本文选择重庆市中心城 区为研究区域,基于手机信令数据,以组团为基 本研究单元,结合重庆市新一轮国土空间规划, 运用核密度、职住比、自足性等对比分析2015年 与2021年重庆市中心城区职住关系变化。研究结 果表明:第一,2015年与2021年重庆市中心城区 职住呈现基本平衡的态势,而城市组团之间发展 差异较大,导致跨组团通勤增加;第二,结合新 一轮国土空间规划对职住关系进行测度,发现茶 园组团职住分离严重,南彭和龙盛组团的通勤效 率较低。本研究结果为重庆中心城区职住关系调 整,提高通勤效率提供了依据。
关键词:  职住关系  职住平衡  拥堵  通勤效率  大数据
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42071218);自然资源部国 土空间规划监测评估预警重点实验室开放项目(LM EE-KF2021004)
Research on the Changes of Job-Housing Relationship in the Central Urban Area of Chongqing Based on Mobile Signaling Data
With the rapid urbanization of China, the urban developing land is spreading outward. The phenomenon of separation between housing and employment is becoming increasingly serious. Long commuting brings physical and mental harm and social problems. The analysis of job-housing relationship is conducive to the rational allocation of work and residence space, reducing urban commuting time and costs, improving the efficient utilization of urban space, and promoting high-quality urban development. The previous research on the relationship between employment and housing mainly focused on census data and questionnaire survey data. With the application and development of big data, new types of data such as bus swiping data (SCD), social media data, Baidu Huiyan data, and mobile signaling data are gradually being applied. However, these studies often analyze the job-housing relationship at a specific time, lacking analysis of the dynamic changes. Chongqing, a typical cluster city, is located in the southwest of inland China. During the rush hour, there is a high demand for traffic and severe congestion in Chongqing, which seriously affects the urban efficiency and the residents’ health. Based on the mobile signaling data, this paper analyzes the changes in job-housing relationship in the central urban area of Chongqing in 2015 and 2021. The mobile signaling data is provided by Smart Footprint Data Technology Co., Ltd. after desensitizing and expanding the data generated by all Unicom mobile phone users in the central urban area of Chongqing. These data are composed of 250 m * 250 m grids, and are divided into working population data, residential population data, and the average origin to destination (OD) data of one month. Based on the calculation of the kernel density, the ratio of occupation to housing, the employment self-sufficiency, with referring to the urban spatial pattern of the “Chongqing Urban Rural Master Plan (2007-2020)”, this paper compares the job-housing relationship in the central urban area of Chongqing from two levels. The results show that: 1) With the development of cities and urban expansion, the phenomenon of separation of occupation and residence is inevitable. From 2015 to 2021, 21 clusters in the central urban area of Chongqing have significant differentiation in terms of job and housing, and shows a trend of northward development, which is consistent with the urban functional layout in the overall urban planning. 2) There is a basic balance between employment and housing in the central urban area of Chongqing in 2015 and 2021. A comparative analysis of job-housing relationship in five major regions shows that there are significant changes in employment and housing between the eastern and southern regions of Chongqing. The employment and housing in the northern part of the eastern region tends towards employment, while the employment and housing in the southern and southern parts of the eastern region tends towards residence. In addition, a comparative analysis of 21 clusters indicates that there is a significant polarization in the relationship among clusters, with an overall trend of northward development. And the decrease in self-sufficiency is significant, and residents’ employment is no longer limited in a small range, resulting in an increase in the proportion of commuting among different clusters. 3) In the context of the new round of urban and rural planning, various clusters will be integrated and reclassified, and the job residence relationship analysis will be conducted based on 9 clusters. The results show that the functions of Yuzhong, Nanpeng, Taojia, and Longsheng clusters are biased towards employment, the functions of the Chayuan, Beibei, and Diaoyuzui-Longzhouwan clusters are biased towards residence, the functions of the Liangjiang and Jinfeng clusters are balanced between job and residence. The commuting efficiency of Nanpeng and Longsheng is relatively low. The matching degree between job and housing in Chayuan cluster is relatively low, as well as the commuting efficiency. There are still some shortcomings in this study, and further research is urgently needed. As the mobile signaling data obtained in this study only have O (starting point) and D (ending point), there is a lack of path expression, and cannot form a complete travel chain. As a result, the traffic flow cannot be loaded onto the road and cannot quantitatively evaluate the job-housing and the commuting. In the future, the specific reasons for congestion and the factors affecting residents’ excessive commuting would be explored.
Key words:  Job-Housing Relationship  Job-Housing Balance  Congestion  Commuting Efficiency  Big Data