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贺 勇1, 陈钰凡2, 赵 静2
1.(通讯作者):浙江大学建筑工程学院,教 授,博士生导师,heyongwl@zju.edu.cn;2.浙江大学建筑工程学院,博士研究生
中国经济发达地区的城郊村落在城镇 化进程中,拥有独特的发展条件,也面临“非城非 乡”的发展困境,并在新型城镇化建设的国家战 略导向下,正在进入新的发展阶段。其显著的城 乡过渡性、边界不稳定性和动态变化性等特征, 及由此引发的一系列人地关系矛盾,受到学界的 广泛关注。本研究选择中国经济发达地区的代表 城镇杭州市瓜沥镇为对象,对瓜沥镇64个乡村进 行广泛调查,并在其中选择了13个相似自然条件 的乡村,从其500 m尺度样本的差异化形态的定 性分析入手,探讨瓜沥乡村功能转型与形态演化 动态耦合关系。最后,以三个典型样本的多功能 转型过程,探讨了经济发达地区城郊乡村聚落多 功能转型的实现路径。本研究揭示了瓜沥乡村聚 落的功能转型经历了起步、分化、冲突和协同四 个阶段。在政策及资金的倾斜作用下,政府引导 的治理创新对乡村聚落的多功能协同发展起到关 键作用。该研究结果对于阐明发达地区乡村聚落 的演变过程,探讨其未来的规划与发展策略具有 积极的理论价值与实践指导作用。
关键词:  乡村聚落  形态演变  功能转型  经济发达地区  瓜沥镇
Functional Transformation and Morphological Evolution of Suburban Rural Settlements in Economically Developed Regions of China
HE Yong,CHEN Yufan,ZHAO Jing
Since the reform and opening up of China, rural areas in economically developed areas represented by the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta have undergone unprecedented changes in spatial form. The rural industrialization in the form of township enterprises has not only promoted the rapid development of cities and towns, but also promoted rapid changes in rural space, especially making these areas a semi-urbanization state with both urban and rural characteristics. The characteristics of boundary instability and dynamic variability have caused a series of challenges between human and land relations, which have attracted widespread attention in the academic community. At present, under the national strategic guidance of new urbanization construction, suburban villages in economically developed areas of China are entering a new stage of development, manifested in the evloving of industries from agriculture to non-agriculture, the change of settlement forms from rural to urban, and the transformation of spatial layout from dispersion to agglomeration. In this process, the functional changes and spatial evolution of rural settlements are two important dimensions that characterize the transformation of rural settlements. Based on the above research background, this article takes Guali Town, a representative town in economically developed areas of China Hangzhou, as an example. It selects typical basic units of rural settlements and explores the spatial evolution of Guali rural settlements and their dynamic relationship with functional transformation since the reform and opening up. During the research process, an extensive survey was conducted on 64 villages in Guali Town, and 13 villages with similar natural conditions were selected. Starting from the qualitative analysis of the differential morphology of their 500 m scale samples, the dynamic coupling relationship between the functional transformation and morphological evolution of Guali rural areas was explored. Finally, the implementation path of multi-functional transformation in suburban rural settlements in economically developed areas was explored through the multi-functional transformation process of three typical villages from Guali. The research concludes that: 1) rural functional transformation is a response to changes in economic and social development needs, and is also a process of continuously regenarating and differentiating rural functions. Driven by the forces of marketization, industrialization, urbanization, and other factors, rural areas have generally gone through four stages of transformation and development: functional initiation, functional differentiation, functional conflict, and functional synergy. Some rural areas also have transitions’ leap forward in functional transformation. 2) The evolution of rural settlement morphology and functional transformation are two closely related and interactive processes. Villages as an integration of space and function, the implantation, adjustment, and enhancement of functions of settlements have promoted rural transformation; the transformation of rural functions will also impact the evolution of settlement forms. The rural settlement form of Guali is continuously integrated and upgraded under the basic prototype framework, and the external spatial pattern of the settlement, such as organizational form, spatial layout, and landscape characteristics, has undergone phased changes. At present, its form has shifted from spontaneous disorder to agglomeration and differentiation, and from a single functional stage to a multi-functional collaborative development. 3) The planning of rural settlements should fully adapt to the development trend and phased characteristics of rural functional transformation, laying a solid foundation for achieving high-level collaborative development in rural areas. This study has positive theoretical value and practical guidance for analysing the evolution process of rural settlements in developed areas and exploring their future planning and development strategies.
Key words:  Rural Settlements  Morphological Evolution  Functional Transformation  Developed Area  Guali Town