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孔俊婷1, 杨 宁2, 许 峰3, 许昊翔4
1.河北工业大学,教授;2.河北工业大学,硕士研究生;3.( 通讯作者):河北工业大学,讲师, 421755990@qq.com;4.中国城市发展规划设计咨询有限公司, 城乡规划师
社区公共空间作为居民日常生活的重要 载体,其内在结构体系的演变体现着不同时代 背景下居民的健康需求变化。研究基于“全面健 康”发展视角,追溯国外社区公共空间理论及实 践演化过程,对不同健康维度下社区公共空间 的体系结构进行关联性对比分析,将其总结为 三个阶段:生理健康满足的“单维”探索期、注 重人文思想的“双线”发展期、关注生活品质的 “多维”拓展期;探究了不同时期社区居民健康 诉求调整与社区公共空间结构体系演变的对应 关系,揭示了社区公共空间体系由单一物理空间 影响向心理、环境、社会等全面健康影响的发 展演化趋势和规律。
关键词:  全面健康  社区公共空间  国外社区  空间发展
基金项目:河北 省老旧住区健 康 改造与社区治理研究 (HB20SH006)
Research on the Development of Foreign Community Public Space System from thePerspective of Comprehensive Health
KONG Junting,YANG Ning,XU Feng,XU Haoxiang
Community public space is an important carrier of residents’ daily life, and its evolution reflects the changes in residents’ health needs at different times. It is the material basis for promoting the healthy development of residents. High-quality community public space can effectively guide residents to carry out healthy activities, which is conducive to cultivating residents’ positive attitudes toward life, fostering their healthy habits, and improving the quality of their lives. Under the macro background of the “Healthy China Initiative” and based on the development perspective of “comprehensive health”, this paper analyzes the development and practices of foreign theories and systems of community public space from the perspective of changes in urban residents’ health needs. Firstly, the theories and practices in the initial period mainly pay attention to the one-dimensional health view of individual physiology, and realize that community public space is an indispensable factor to improve the quality of living environment and the physical health of residents. Under the influence of humanism, the theories and practices in the second stage present the development of both physical health and mental health, and the related theoretical research and construction practice are carried out simultaneously: one is the multi-angle discussion on the theoretical level of public space under the influence of humanism and behaviorism, and the other one is the active explorations of enhancing the practicality and connectivity of community public space, constructing public space systems to facilitate residents’ communication and community belonging, and meeting the needs of residents’ physical health development. In the third stage, with the continuous development of the modern concept of multidimensional health, the hierarchical structure of community public space system is increasingly perfect, and the internal space tends to be diversified. Public space has gradually become a diversified functional system with health activities, friendly exchanges, cultural construction, and ecological benefits to meet the multidimensional health needs of community residents’ physical health, mental health, and social relationship health. Based on the international development trends and the actual needs of China’s development, this study traces the evolution of foreign theories and practices of community public space, explores urban residents’ different understandings of health connotation in different periods, and makes a comparative analysis of the system structure of community public space under different health dimensions. It can be concluded that community public space should not only focus on the direct effect of physical space on residents’ physical health, but also pay attention to the potential guidance of mental factors and environmental factors on residents’ physical and mental health. Diversified and rich functional characteristics can promote health effects and form a guiding model of active defense and positive guidance. The foreign community public space systems have experienced the development and change from concentrated point space to comprehensive space form combining point, line, and surface, and the rich use experience and visual feeling have improved the integrity of community public space. The system organization has developed from the initial disordered placement and the single structure into a complete structural system with central radiation and multi-level transitional connection, strengthening the “complete” healthy progressive continuous relationship. The exploration of these development laws and characteristics will help to explore the development direction and technical path of building a comprehensive and healthy community publicspace system in China.
Key words:  Complete Health  Community Public Space  Foreign Community  Space Development