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基于海陆统筹的海岸带地区国土空间功能适宜性评价及 分区优化研究
张 赫1, 乔 红2, 王 睿3, 于 洋4
1.天津大学建筑学院,教授;2.北规院弘都规划建筑设计研究院有限公 司,工程师;3.( 通讯作者):天津大学建筑学院,副教 授,326047221@qq.com;4.天津大学建筑学院,硕士研究生
海岸带地区国土空间规划作为国土空 间专项规划,对理顺沿海城市海陆统筹协调与 空间保护利用等诸多现实问题起到了关键支撑 作用。但现阶段海岸带地区国土空间规划仍缺 乏基于海陆统筹的系统性、标准化功能分区体 系及针对海陆全域及海陆相邻地域功能冲突空 间的优化调整方法。本文以秦皇岛海岸带地区 为实证案例,基于功能主导、尺度适应、海陆统 筹三大原则,构建海岸带地区国土空间功能分区 体系,并以此建立海岸带地区国土空间现状功 能分区;以“农业—城乡—生态”功能为导向, 构建了面向未来的海岸带地区国土空间功能适 宜性评价体系;在基于“现状—规划—适宜性” 功能冲突区域、海陆相邻功能冲突区域识别的 基础上,建立了海陆功能分区优化与调整方法。 本研究可为海岸带地区国土空间规划的编制体 系与技术路线提供参考。
关键词:  国土空间规划  海岸带地区  功能适宜性评价  功能分区
Study on Suitability Evaluation and Zoning Optimization of Territorial Space Function inCoastal Zone Based on Land-Sea Integration
The land spatial planning of coastal zone is very important in the territorial space planning system. It plays a key supporting role in straightening out the practical problems such as the overall planning, coordination, protection and utilization of sea and land space of coastal cities. At the present stage, some framework results of the territorial space planning have been basically completed. But based on this planning, the functional cohesion problems of the land and sea have not been addressed in the counties or districts’ level. And the framework results can’t provide support for the assessment of the specific function of the sea and land area. There are two aspects of the problem as below. Firstly, the standards and classifications of the land area and sea area are totally different. In spite of the consideration of both the land area and sea area in the territorial space planning, there is no unified evaluation criteria which can resolve the problem of the functional conflicts. The land use adjustment method to the functional unsuitable area still lacks scientificity. Secondly, the assessment system is suitable for the natural conservation and not for the urban development. It lacks of the indicators about the functional development which provide support for the function division. Functional suitability evaluation is urgent to be established to support the function adjustment of the coastal zone which includes the sea, the land and the land-sea junction area. The aim of this research is to provide the evaluation and function adjustment method of the functional zoning planning. This paper is organized into three part as follows: The first chapter introduces the frame and the classification of the functional zoning planning. Relying on the existing standards, the land and sea use types have been reclassified. The second chapter shows the construction ideas and processing functional suitability evaluation. Multi-type standardization methods and weight determination methods are comprehensively applied in the evaluation process to solve the problem of huge differences in multi-type indicators. The third chapter is the adjustment and optimization method of coastal functional zoning based on land and sea integration. The 3D Rubik’s Cube model and the cross analysis method in GIS are used to process the evaluation results. The qualitative method of data collection and induction is used in the decision-making method of functional conflict. The case of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, is used to introduce the evaluation process and evaluation methods and runs through each chapter. The conclusions of the paper are as follows:1)The framework of functional suitability evaluation is proposed. The “three zones” of land and sea areas can be analyzed in a unified way. The integrated territorial and spatial function zoning system of coastal zone based on land and sea coordination has been constructed. In this system, a unified classification standard and evaluation process for land and sea are proposed. This will help assess the issue of land and sea conflicts; 2) Evaluation indicators are optimized and supplemented. Based on the indicators of the territorial space planning, the indicators that emphasize the impact of sea areas, resource assessment and socio-economic development have been further added. The evaluation index system of sea-land spatial function suitability has been established. And the spatial suitability zoning method of “agriculture-onstruction-ecology” land function has been proposed; 3)Function zoning optimization method is established. Based on the principle of functional compatibility and conflict adjustment and optimization, the evaluation results are superimposed with the results of “three line” delimitation and the current land use. As a result, the functional conflicts of sea area, land area and adjacent areas of sea and land are identified. Further specific adjustment principles have been formulated. The case study of Qinhuangdao City verified the accuracy of functional conflict identification and the feasibility of adjustment. The innovation of this research is to establish a new method of functional suitability evaluation. On this basis, the function zoning adjustment process for the sea-land conflict is proposed, which has been ignored in the current territorial space planning. This resarch is mainly used to link up the preliminary results of the “three lines” delimitation and the specific functional zoning scheme of the territorial space planning of coastal cities. The balance of evaluation indicators has been improved. At the same time, the suitability of land and sea functions has been focused on. However, it is worth noting that the data accuracy of the basic evaluation unit in this research still needs to be improved due to the limited data confidentiality and access issues. Furthermore, on the premise that the method system remains unchanged, the index selection and weight optimization can be carried out according to the actual situation of different coastal areas.
Key words:  Territorial Space Planning  Coastal Zone  Functional sSuitability Evaluation  Functional Zoning