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张逸平1, 陈星汉1, 李嘉宁2, 叶宇1
关键词:  数字孪生城市  精细化城市治理  数据评估模型  数字孪生映射率
Building the Digital Twin Mapping Rate towards Refined Urban Management
ZHANG Yiping,CHEN Xinghan,LI Jianing,YE Yu
Digital twin city platforms have made significant progress in recent years. However, the existing platforms often have the problems of "focusing on accuracy of the physical model rather than social cognition" and "focusing on specialized application rather than data system,” which make it difficult to meet the actual needs of refined urban management. Therefore, it is necessary to define the characteristics of a digital twin platform oriented to urban management and build a corresponding refined evaluation mechanism to realize the guidelines for practice. This study explores the methodology framework of mapping rate, proposing three indicators: data resolution, data freshness and data relevance. A quantifiable and easily replicable evaluation model was built to assess the perfection of data collection, the timeliness of data updates, and the degree of data network correlation. Taking the digital twin platform of Huamu Street in the Pudong New Area in Shanghai as an example, each indicator is calculated and a comprehensive mapping rate evaluation is formed. This study further builds an actionable path for the development of the urban digital twin platform from L1 to L4 staging and a real-time evaluation platform for the mapping rate. This study achieves a quantitative analysis of the development quality of digital twin city platforms, which was previously difficult to assess. This study also helps to promote the digital twin city platform to respond to the complex needs of urban management and to facilitate the construction of a "bottom-up" scientific urban management system.
Key words:  digital twin city  refined urban management  data evaluation model  digital twin mapping rate