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虚拟空间电子口碑对实体商业中心服务范围竞争实效的 影响
康 宁1, 张 佶2, 钮心毅3
1.同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士研 究生;2.广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院有限公 司,广东省城市感知与监测预警企业重 点实验室,广州市资源规划和海洋科技 协同创新中心,高级工程师;3.( 通讯作者):同济大学建筑与城市规划 学院,自然资源部国土空间智能规划技 术重点实验室,教授,博士生导师, niuxinyi@tongji.edu.cn
在移动互联网蓬勃发展的时代背景下, 移动端应用软件显著推动了零售商业虚拟空间 的迅猛扩展。本研究从消费行为需求端出发,使 用互联网位置服务数据测度实体商业中心服务 范围,探究实体商业中心的竞争实效及其影响因 素。研究选取了上海主城区内29个实体商业中心 为研究对象,以电子口碑表征虚拟空间的属性, 以建成环境表征实体空间的属性,以竞争实效 表示实体商业中心服务范围竞争的实际效用。探 究电子口碑和建成环境对其的影响。研究发现, 实体商业中心的竞争实效不仅受到实体空间的 影响,也受到虚拟空间的影响。在建成环境的影响因素中,业态混合度和停车场数量仍起到重要的作用。在电子口碑的影响因素中,优质口碑数 量能够显著提升商业中心的竞争实效。时空大数据用于探索虚拟空间属性与实体空间属性相互影 响,为适应当前虚实共存的城市商业空间,提升规划决策的科学性和有效性提供了支持。
关键词:  实体商业中心  虚拟空间  电子口碑  服务范围  互联网位置服务数据  上海
The influence of virtual space eWoM on the competitive effectiveness of service area inphysical commercial centers: A case study of central district of Shanghai
The rapid development of information technology has profoundly impacted people’s lifestyles, leading to the emergence of virtual spaces. As consumers’ methods for obtaining information about specific goods and services have evolved, the research scope of physical commercial centers has expanded from traditional physical spaces to virtual spaces. This shift has significantly altered the actual services provided by physical commercial centers and the factors influencing consumer travel behavior. Existing studies indicate that electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), as a critical indicator of the popularity of virtual spaces, is closely linked to the built environment. However, the planning of urban commercial centers needs to focus on the characteristics and influencing factors of commercial spaces from a physical space perspective. Existing studies have not yet fully addressed the factors influencing physical commercial centers in the context of the coexistence of virtual and physical spaces. The availability of emerging internet location big data and eWOM data offers the potential to explore how virtual spaces impact physical spaces. By using the results of these two types of big data in correspondence, this study reveals the impact of virtual spaces on consumers' actual consumption and travel behavior at commercial centers, providing new opportunities for investigating the influencing factors of urban commercial centers in the coexistence of virtual and physical spaces. Therefore, this study selected 29 different physical commercial centers in the Main Urban Area of Shanghai as the research objects, with electronic word-of-mouth representing the attributes of virtual space, built environment representing the attributes of physical space, and competitive effectiveness representing the actual utility of the competition of service area of physical commercial centers. The role of eWOM and the built environment on physical commercial centers is explored utilizing internet location big data and eWOM data. It aims to identify the influencing factors of virtual space eWOM and physical space built environment in the service area of commercial centers from a competitive perspective. The competition intensity and effectiveness of commercial centers in the main urban area are first measured using internet location big data, exploring the competitive characteristics of their service areas. Secondly, using electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) data, it extracted two indicators, network composite rating and the quantity of high-quality word-of-mouth, through principalcomponent analysis. These indicators reflect the relationship between the position of commercial centers in the virtual space represented by eWOM and their actual competitive effectiveness, measuring the impact of virtual space on physical commercial centers. Finally, regression analysis is employed to explore the influence of physical space factors such as building scale, land area, diversity of POI (points of interest), POI quantity, the number of subway lines, and the number of parking spaces; and virtual space factors such as network composite rating and the quantity of high-quality word-of-mouth on the competitive effectiveness of commercial centers. It is found that, in the current socio-economic context, the service area of physical commercial centers is influenced by both the built environment of physical spaces and the virtual spaces represented by eWOM. Among the virtual space attributes represented by eWOM, high-quality word-of-mouth focused on stores that receive widespread acclaim. When a commercial center contains several specific stores with numerous positive online reviews and recommendations, the influence on consumer decision-making is more direct and significant. Therefore, among virtual space attributes, the number of highquality word-of-mouth can significantly enhance the competitive effectiveness of a commercial center. In contrast, the overall network composite rating does not have a direct influence. Regarding the built environment attributes of physical spaces, commercial centers with a higher diversity of commercial formats often provide a richer and more convenient selection of services and goods. The number of parking spaces also reflects the quality of service to some extent. Thus, the diversity of commercial formats and the number of parking spaces play important roles among the built environment factors. In contrast, traditional factors such as building scale and land area no longer significantly influence on physical commercial centers. Therefore, to adapt to the current coexistence of virtual and physical commercial spaces, urban planning must further explore the dual effects of virtual and physical space attributes on physical commercial centers, constructing an urban commercial space structure that accommodates the interaction between virtual spaces and physical commercial centers. Additionally, the application of spatiotemporal big data to explore the mutual influence of virtual and physical space attributes supports enhancing the scientific and effective decision-making in urban commercial space planning in the current coexistence of virtual and physical spaces.
Key words:  physical commercial centers  virtual space  electronic word-of-mouth  service area  Internet location-based service data  Shanghai